Top Crypto Derivatives Trading Platform MEKE: Public Beta Countdown


By providing a safe and transparent trading experience on opBNB, early MEKE users will receive an airdrop of the platform token ‘MEKE’ as well as commission dividends and reductions.

Cryptocurrency exchanges have been moving from centralized to decentralized since the Securities and Exchange Commission announced a sweeping indictment against two of the world’s largest centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Today’s cryptocurrency trading is still dominated by centralized exchanges, so it is mostly done on centralized exchanges, but decentralized finance (DeFi) has boomed in 2020, matured and solidified its position appropriately. That technological deposit has already been solved, so to speak. In addition, the emergence of various outstanding Layer2 products has greatly enhanced the processing power of blockchain, laying a solid foundation for the rise of DeFi.

Taken together, cryptocurrency exchanges are moving from centralized finance to decentralized finance. However, it does not mean the rise of all decentralized products.

Spot trading markets, whether centralized or decentralized, are saturated across the cryptocurrency exchange industry. This is especially true for his DeFi application. Uniswap and AAVE already dominate the spot trading and lending market, have been operating for many years since their development, have accumulated a large number of loyal users, and are therefore in a position to be nearly impenetrable, and a new product is unlikely to change that. On the other side of decentralized trading, the crypto derivatives market is growing but not deeply developed. It contains enough energy to generate another major cryptocurrency application.

Over the last few years, when the cryptocurrency market was quiet, our American tech team dedicated themselves to cryptocurrency derivatives trading and recently created MEKE, an amazing decentralized cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform. The team consists of top traders from the traditional financial industry and senior technologists who have been working with blockchain technology for many years. Therefore, MEKE not only has a professional trading experience, but also a powerful trading engine and efficient trading algorithms.

From the beginning of MEKE development, with nearly 10 years of extensive experience in the financial markets, MEKE team members were keenly aware that the track of cryptocurrency derivatives would be so huge that the market value would far exceed the market value of spot trading. After years of continuous product development and market research, the team became even more convinced.

In the cryptocurrency derivatives market, with an average daily trading volume of over US$100 billion, perpetual contract volume has steadily more than doubled spot trading volume over the past two years. However, looking at overall financial market patterns, the derivatives trading market is typically ten to several dozen times larger than the spot market. Taking the world’s largest oil market, the most heavily funded, as an example, the trading volume of NYMEX WTI and ICE Brent futures contracts can reach billions of barrels per day, and global demand for crude oil reaches approximately 100 million barrels per day. Futures trading volume exceeds daily oil consumption by more than 25 times.

As you can imagine, only a fraction of the current market potential of cryptocurrency derivatives has been unlocked. Among exchanges that offer crypto derivatives trading, most cryptocurrency users currently use centralized exchanges, while decentralized exchanges account for only about 2% of the total trading share. There is undoubtedly great potential for decentralized cryptocurrency derivatives trading services, both in terms of market share of demand for cryptocurrency derivatives trading and in terms of the structure of exchanges that offer trading services for cryptocurrency derivatives.

Therefore, the birth of MEKE is due to the advantages of timing and geographical convenience, and the market desperately needs products like MEKE.

As a decentralized derivatives trading platform, MEKE stands out from other volatile platforms due to its unique features. Its distinguishing features are the security and transparency guarantees of decentralized trading and a smooth and intuitive experience that rivals centralized exchanges. Perfect for beginners. MEKE allows you to start trading perpetual contracts in cryptocurrencies quickly and smoothly. This has been a strong driving force behind his marketing push for MEKE, and is also one of MEKE’s main moats.

The benefits of MEKE are due to two main factors. The first is the MEKE team’s years of technical accumulation and meticulous attention to products and trading algorithms. Development started in 2021, but by launch he’s been honing it continuously for over two years. Another factor is the careful selection of the public blockchain that MEKE builds. When the ETH L2 network Arbitrum first came out, MEKE chose to deploy on Arbitrum, but due to the small user base, MEKE was deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). After extensive testing on BSC, BNB Chain has launched his L2 network opBNB. Therefore, after extensive research on opBNB, the team finally decided to introduce his MEKE into opBNB. OpBNB is his latest L2 network developed by core engineers in his Binance ecosystem for BSC. As his L2 network of his BSC under the Binance ecosystem, this chain has considerable traffic support. Technically, this L2 can reach 4500+TPS, with a minimum charge per transaction he is USD0.005 gas.

MEKE has been successfully deployed on the opBNB test network, successfully undergoing lengthy internal testing, and audited by Certik, the world’s top blockchain security company. MEKE will then release a public beta to all cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

The countdown to the MEKE public beta has begun. After the countdown, his MEKE public beta will be open to all users in regions where cryptocurrency derivatives trading is supported. MEKE also prepares gorgeous gifts for participants. This not only allows users to experience MEKE’s first-class trading experience in the early stages, learn about the world’s latest cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform, and receive platform token MEKE airdrops, but also receive many generous gifts such as commission dividends and commission reductions after the official launch in the later stages.

As a truck powered by a trillion dollar market, with advanced trading design and smooth trading experience, MEKE has a bright future. In the future, he will make billions of dollars in monthly profits even if MEKE only accounts for his 1% share of the total crypto derivatives market. If MEKE can operate well, it is not hard to imagine that the token MEKE will shine.

With its delicate design, MEKE supports almost all browser plugins and mobile wallets on the market, lowering the threshold for user participation. MEKE Public Beta will start soon. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can refer to the official MEKE community on Discord, Telegram, Twitter, etc. for the latest progress and development of the MEKE public beta.

MEKE Related Community: Official MEKE Website | twitter | Discord | Telegram


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